Farewell from Jen:  Seasons of Change

Farewell from Jen: Seasons of Change

6th Feb 2023

The next stage of life has come for me and my family, and I’ve decided to sell Good Fortune to an amazing local couple. The journey of growing and building this business has been so life giving to me, so stepping out in faith to go in a different direction, was in fact a leap of faith.

My origin story started over 16 years ago when I left the corporate world to become an entrepreneur. Good Fortune has always been about taking leaps of faith and following God’s plan for my life, so this is no different. I’m excited to become Jen 2.0!

Curious how this decision came about?

Two years ago, my husband agreed to leave his corporate job to come work for Good Fortune. His support at work and home freed me up tremendously to focus on growing the business to run without me. It was like I had a giant white puzzle, but needed to figure out how all the pieces fit together. I’m a problem solver at heart, so I made it happen! Once my puzzle was complete, and I had an amazing staff and managers, clear operations and procedure manuals, and all of my life’s work was documented for them….. I felt the Lord call me to surrender it all.

So prayerfully, I’ve been on a journey of surrendering my identity as CEO and looking towards my next calling and season in life. Ecclesiastes 3 says “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to plant and a time to uproot.”I planted for over 16 years, and now it’s my season to uproot.

I listed my business for sale online, and this amazing couple visited the store, fell in love with the products, employees, and Chattanooga, and so their leap of faith began when they weren’t even truly looking. They are equally as brave, bold, and faithful as I was over 16 years ago. It’s truly a story of all things working together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.

We both feel like we were called (one to plant, one to uproot), and we’re both faithfully walking one-day at a time into this new season.

Jen's Farewell Video

What’s next for me?

I’ll going to simplify my life, and try my best to be a great mom, wife, daughter, and friend…..volunteer, travel, cook, remodel some things around the house, hike, and figure things out as they come.

Is anything going to change at Good Fortune?

Chris & Steph want to keep everything about Good Fortune the same! They fell in love with the products, team, and Good Fortune culture & values. They will continue serving our clients with everyone’s #1 goal of making people happier.

You’ll see the same faces, enjoy the same spa services, and enjoy all the same products that you’ve come to love. I’m sure they’ll make some improvements here and there, but all for the good of growth and quality.

I will miss our customers the most! I brag that Good Fortune has the BEST customers in the world. You all have been SO loyal and kind to support our sweet small business all these years. I hold each of you dear, and will miss seeing your faces. I HOPE and pray you continue to support Good Fortune for many years to come.

GOOD luck & GOD bless!!

Jennifer Strain

Meet Good Fortune's new owners, Chris & Steph Gannar!

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